Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Hey Everyone!
I hope you have been getting on here and posting blobs!!
i see you havent so all yall should do that soon! lol
Six of us just got back from a Cluster Meeting in Texas lol
thats why i said yall :)
well cluster was fun i encourage more people to go to cluster next year!!


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Texas Pictures

Hey everyone here are the pictures from Texas of the National Cluster Meeting. Thank Molly for these pictures!


Friday, October 10, 2008

FCCLA Leadership Rally

If you are going to the FCCLA Leadership Rally we hope to see you on Sunday before 2:30! I am bringing my cooler and a 12 pack of Coke, a 12 of Dr. Pepper! I also bought water, milk and food!! It will be good! I plan to take pictures and put them here on the blog. We have about 26eople attending!! It will be a short but fun trip to Des Moines!! Have a great time and I hope to see you there!!!!! Have a good weekend and GO TIGERS!! :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

FCCLA Parents Night Pictures

Here are pictures that Mrs. A took at Parents Night! Don't forget that on Monday, October 6th there is a meeting MS 4 p.m HS 6:00! ENJOY the Pictures!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

FCCLA Parents Night

FCCLA Parents/Welcome Night will be Monday Sept. 25th at 7. P.M. Don't for get your food!!! Hope to see you and your parents there!!! Mrs. A and I will have our cameras there and we will put pictures on the blog!!! Have a SAFE and HAPPY Homecoming!!! :) GO TIGERS!!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Welcome Back!!

It was great to see everyone at the meeting last night!
We had 29 people at the High School meeting and 19 at the Middle School meeting!

If you are interested in going to the Cluster meeting this year, Mrs. A. has a sign up sheet.
Just ask her about it..

Friday, August 29, 2008

FCCLA T-Shirt!

This is our FCCLA T-Shirt design!  What do you think? If you have a Google Account sign in and comment it....  Let us know who you are and why you like it!  A BIG thanks to Beka for designing it!  Electrified Design (Darrin's Mom in Audubon) will maybe print them.  We will discuss this in the meeting on tuesday! 

Friday, August 22, 2008

FCCLA Breakfast Pictures

FCCLA Welcome Breakfast...... Today we had a welcome back breakfast for school staff.  We had great comments!  Biscuits and gravy were served..... It was good!!   We have pictures from it.  We want to welcome everyone to a great year!  Next year we will miss Mrs. Drake and the seniors in our chapter.     Here are the pictures.... Enjoy! 



Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Welcome Back!!

Welcome back to school!!  Have a great year!! 

Monday, March 31, 2008

2008 State Picts

At the convention center

On the bus to Des Moines

At the convention center

Group Pict with our new FCCLA sign!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Welcome Back!

Welcome back from break!! It was great to see everyone!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Are you ready??

Yay!! we get to go to state...but are you ready?? I'm so excited that we get the chance to do this! It is going to be loads of fun! Don't stress to much about everything and don't be to worried, everyone is going to do wonderful!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

How excited are you?!?!

Oh my gosh!!! We get to go to state! We have all worked so hard, now this is the fun part! Remember to practice! I'm so excited and happy for all of you!!! Good luck!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Spring Break!

Have a great Spring Break everyone!! Happy Easter also!! Be safe everyone!! See you back on Tuesday March 25th!!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Picture with Mr. Jack Drake

Brianna, Morgan, Rep. Jack Drake and Kayleen.

Friday, February 8, 2008


Don't forget to come in and help with the Valentine's day cookies during a study hall!! Mrs. A will be staying after school today for 4 hours to work on them!!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Working on FCCLA Star Events.




Next Meeting

Hey Everyone! The next FCCLA Meeting will be Monday Febuary 4th. The meeting starts at 4:30 for Middle School and 6:00 for High School. Hope to see you there!!

STAR Events

Hey Everyone!! Mrs. Anstey will be staying after school today to work on star events. She will also be here after 4 o'clock on Saturday, and next Monday and Tuesday after school.