Friday, October 10, 2008

FCCLA Leadership Rally

If you are going to the FCCLA Leadership Rally we hope to see you on Sunday before 2:30! I am bringing my cooler and a 12 pack of Coke, a 12 of Dr. Pepper! I also bought water, milk and food!! It will be good! I plan to take pictures and put them here on the blog. We have about 26eople attending!! It will be a short but fun trip to Des Moines!! Have a great time and I hope to see you there!!!!! Have a good weekend and GO TIGERS!! :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

FCCLA Parents Night Pictures

Here are pictures that Mrs. A took at Parents Night! Don't forget that on Monday, October 6th there is a meeting MS 4 p.m HS 6:00! ENJOY the Pictures!