Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Hello fellow FCCLA Members! How are you this fine Wednesday!?
Well Star Events are tomorrow and well, Molly, Darrin, and I are making this blog our Star Event! Our problem is that no one looks at our blog! So once you look at this TELL PEOPLE TO CHECK IT OUT! We will be posting tomorrow telling you how it all went down, who got what and if any ones going to state! Well I hope you guys tell people to check this blog out!

Your amazing Vice President,
Beka =]

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Potato Bar and Star Events

Don't forget that this Friday is the Potato Bar supper!!! Make sure you bring what you signed up for and come to work at the supper when you can! Hey! You could even eat a potato or two to support FCCLA!

Star Events are Thursday! We have changed the time of leaving the school. We will be leaving at 7 unstead of 7:30. Make sure everything is ready for Thursday! Come to the school early so we can get on the bus and be ready to go by 7! Make sure you bring EVERYTHING the DAY before so you know you have it! Mrs. A will be at the school tonight and tomorrow night for anyone who needs help!

Here's a list of everyone going to the star events:

Middle School

-Marlia Rossel
-Melodie Anstey
-Dillion Bechtol
-Mason Anstey
-Nicholas Fieck
-Tara Waters
-Hayley Glover
-Kayli Burnside
-Bailey Powers
Larissa Backhaus

High School

-Beka Dorscher
-Molly Martens
-Darrin Lewis
-Anna Mardesen
-Ashley Guffey
-Andrea Kuffel
-Brittany Dorscher
-Melissa Anstey
-Megan Ficek

A special thanks to Beka and Brittany for helping Darrin Blog this!!!!!