Monday, March 30, 2009


Hey guys! Beka here. I'm sitting here waiting to do our star event!
Pretty excited but kinda nervous! Good luck to everyone preforming!
Oh and to the people at school: HAVE FUN! :)
love your loving VP,
Beka Sue.


Unknown said...


This is Josh from the state conference. Anyway, i think this is reall cool! Darrin if you could respond with your e-mail that would be great. I would like to learn how to do some of the live blog, and putting the conference live on the Iowa FCCLA website. That was awesome! Ok thats all...keep it up.


Darrin said...

My email is

Anna said...

I don't know if I'm doing this right. This is just a scout comment. I hope it ends up posted lol

Anna said...

Sweet! I got it!

Unknown said...

Hey Darrin, it's Josh...from the FCCLA SLC last year. Thank you for the help with the websites and progrms to better my website!! Are you doing a STAR this year? If you are going to the SLC this year, are you going to do the live video? I would love to help with that and possibly send the feed to my website as well. Would you be interested in doing something like that? Please email me back! My email is: Thanks!!
